I'm a young fool and I make games via RM. I enjoy game mechanics and theories, especially new graphical experiments. I'm a master chip splicer and I draw my own resources as well. Teaching myself how to digitally paint via PS, after pixeling for several years.
Comedy Games
The problem I have with these comedy games is that they are the majority of the games on this site. There's a lack of games that are actually well thought out and well done. It's easy to 'not try' and defend it with "well it's a joke game". These games try to be ironic and make fun of RPGs, lend themselves to tropes in a self conscious way and tries to be 'a crappy game' on purpose. I don't think the whole comedy done right thing comes into this, seeing as how the jokes are usually sophomoric and regurgitated internet memes.
I agree that Barkley was the only one done right really, or at least the only notable example of what can be achieved with comedy RPGs.
The thing is you have to really understand comedy and the reasons behind what makes something funny to really pull it off successfully. Too often the games on this site defer to vulgar tactics and relish in the idea that they are in control and can do whatever they want to the player.
People don't usually play a game just for a laugh, as they would a comedy movie or tv show. When you add player interactivity, it changes that dynamic, unless you just use it in witty dialogue/cut-scenes, in which case, it is like watching something.
I agree that Barkley was the only one done right really, or at least the only notable example of what can be achieved with comedy RPGs.
The thing is you have to really understand comedy and the reasons behind what makes something funny to really pull it off successfully. Too often the games on this site defer to vulgar tactics and relish in the idea that they are in control and can do whatever they want to the player.
People don't usually play a game just for a laugh, as they would a comedy movie or tv show. When you add player interactivity, it changes that dynamic, unless you just use it in witty dialogue/cut-scenes, in which case, it is like watching something.
Houses with not much in vs locked houses.
LA Noire is a good example of doing this. Golden knobbed doors can be visited, silver knobbed doors can't. It does impose a bit of linearity but I feel useless houses add atmosphere, but there ideally should be something pragmatic about them. Information, secrets, chests, atmosphere, are some justifications. There should be a reason behind the decisions you make, and how it affects the player/game/gaming experience. It is part of the responsibility that we as game makers take on an omniscient perspective while designing, and think of every possible situation we may put the player in.
Working in teams: Yay or nay?
Working in a team can work but you have to be very very selective about who you work with and keep the team relatively small. Also have to find someone/people who compliment your strengths and is as dedicated as you are, which is not easy. It's almost like choosing spouse, because it's a long term commitment, and most people have commitment issues, at least when it involves RM.
Most loved most hated RM games
The Screenshot Topic Returns
Wow that game (Baroque) looks beautiful. Let me guess, pretty-looking vapourware?
There's a difference between a mockup and vaporware.
East coast about to get LIVE!
East coast about to get LIVE!
The Screenshot Topic Returns
Yep exactly. A good example of how graphics can have simple/clean look without being too 'earthbound'y. Another good example to study is Minish Cap.
The Screenshot Topic Returns
This reminds me a lot of those tiles DE did, that were kind of lush and GBA feeling. If I had it on hand I would post for comparison, but do you know what I'm talking about?